Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Masthead Analysis and Design


    In travel leisure, all the words are horizontal and are bolded large white letters. It is also written in all caps. Additional information about the magazine such as if it is a special feature, is above and written smaller. I will use the all white letters from this example in my masthead and write it in all capital letters. 

    In Explore magazine, it is very similar to Travel Leisure and is written in white block like letters. Unlike the other example though, it is written in all lowercase. I do not like the look of all lowercase letters, it makes the masthead feel like it is not as important, and because of this I will not use them. 

    This masthead example is my favorite by far. I like how the first word is horizontal against the second one and a little smaller to leave focus for the word "travel". I also really like how the font is on the skinnier side and has more of a sophisticated feel to it instead of bubble letters that would also be used on a teen focused magazine. I will use the combination of vertical and horizontal letters and the font style from this example. 

-All white letters
-All caps
-One horizontal and vertical word
-Skinny, sophisticated looking top

This is the rough draft of my masthead. I am still working with a few different font samples to get it the way I want it exactly. 


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Final Project

 Below is my final Magazine-