Friday, March 4, 2022

Taking Pictures


    This weekend I went up to Jupiter beach to take my magazine photos. I brought my three friends to help model in the pictures. I alternated between using both my phone and a camera to take the pictures because although the quality was better on the camera, the lighting settings were not working and the images looked brighter on my phone. We took pictures beneath a bridge, and at the beach both places has cool additional elements in them to help elevate the photos such as driftwood, mangroves, rocks and crystal blue water. 
    I took pictures of both my friends posing and then of the actual individual locations in case I decided I wanted to use a picture of a destination without a model as my cover image. There were people at the bridge so it was difficult to get all the angles I wanted to of Marilynn posing because I had to make sure I didn't get them in the background. I really liked a lot of the photos I took and think I will use one of them from this shooting day as my cover because the water was so blue it would make the cover pop. 
    I still have to upload and edit a lot of my pictures because I took over 500. Throughout the week I will pull out my favorites and make sure they fit the vibe of my magazine with the masthead and stories. 


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Final Project

 Below is my final Magazine-