Friday, February 11, 2022

Finding a Magazine Color Palette

When trying to find a color palette to use that best matched the vibe of the magazine, I used the website and generated random color palettes and pulled the ones with different hues of blue first. 

  • This color combination is a variety of blues, almost like an ombre 
  • I really like the color contrast with the darker colors like 545E75 as it could be used almost like a black on top of a lighter blue like A7CCED without completely adding in a new color shade all together 

  • Although I really liked the all blue colors for the magazine, there is something about the warmer colors and how they pop and contrast nicely
  • FF8C42 and FFF275 would stand out a nice amount on the blue I wanted to add some colors into the magazine to break up all the blue

  • Off all the blue shades I've looked at, 62929E is one of my absolute favorites. It is the perfect balance of cool and bright and reminds me a lot of the deep ocean and not a bright basic blue
  • C6C5B9 is really nice as a white substitute against a darker color if I start to use white an excessive amount

  • This set of colors is gorgeous and mix so nicely with one another and remind me of a wave in the ocean which is perfect for the name
  • I am concerned that the colors are almost to dark and will be hard to read longer written material off of 

  • Just like in the second set of colors I like the orange and yellows that popped against the blue, FDCA40 and F79824 stand out really nicely on a shade of bright blue such as 33A1FD

  • FAFAFF and EEF0F2 are nice white color substitutes as well and DADDD8 is a nice light grey I can throw in throughout the passage, potentially as a subheading color


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Final Project

 Below is my final Magazine-