Monday, March 14, 2022

Developing Content-Cover Page

    I had already made a template for what I wanted my cover page to look like earlier in the planning stage, so when finalizing it, I copy and pasted different images using Canva to see what it would look like with different photos. This made it a lot easier quicker to work on the magazine, especially since I took my pictures later then I was planning on it. 
These were the pictures I was between for my cover page:

    My original plan was to include both a location and a male and female model on my cover, and in the end I was between these three images:

    I still have to work on fixing up the text so that it doesn't blend so much into the background and adjust the position of some of the wording so it fits the open space of the picture better. I also need to edit the final image I end up choosing to make sure that all the colors pop and it is really clear. Overall I am really happy with the way that these pictures turned out and look with the masthead and think it is a great first page for The Wave magazine. 


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Final Project

 Below is my final Magazine-